Připraven odpovědět (ENG)

Připraven odpovědět (ENG)

Challenge your thinking, learn to share your faith with gentleness and respect, and help introduce people to Jesus!

Hear thought-provoking analysis that guides you to understand today's cultural issues and equips you with the strategies and confidence to have conversations that encourage others to think critically about spirituality, faith and reason, sexuality, gender identity, and the Bible. Challenge your thinking, learn to share your faith with gentleness and respect, and help introduce people to Jesus! Prepared to Answer is here to help prepare, encourage, and equip the church of Jesus Christ to grow in confidence of faith by teaching Christians to think like Jesus. Access more apologetics resources to help you begin understanding life and the world around you with the mind of Jesus: Visit preparedtoanswer.org or follow us on Facebook and Instagram @preparedtoanswer.

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