Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice

Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice

Dallas Willard, Jan Johnson

Are you longing for life-changing transformation in your relationship with God? Get ready to find fresh illumination for your faith journey in this short and practical guide. Exploring over 60 carefully chosen selections from renowned author Dallas Willard’s bestseller Renovation of the Heart, this book offers powerful brief lessons for character formation.

With devotional-sized quotes and rigorous daily experiments, this book will challenge and encourage you to dive deeper than ever before in your relationship with the Creator. Perfect for group or individual study, this guide is for anyone and everyone, no matter the stage of your Christian walk.

Working through Dallas Willard’s plan for spiritual renovation of the whole person, this book covers a wide range of topics, such as:
What “death to self” looks like
The crucial role of good thinking
The interplay of will, thoughts, and feelings
Being a person of joy and peace
The body’s role in spiritual formation
Be inspired and strengthened as you enjoy the adventure of these experiments in spiritual transformation and grow an unshakeable faith.

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