Discipleship 101 — You have what it takes to grow in Christ and help others do the same.

You have what it takes to grow in Christ and help others do the same.


It can sound difficult and overwhelming. But what if you discovered you already have what it takes? It’s true! Disciplemaking can be one of the most natural things any believer does. What you need is just what God has given you—your gifts, heart and relationship with Him. So when it does come to disciplemaking, you have what it takes.

Jesus calls us to both be disciples and make disciples, but what does discipleship look like today? Is it more than just believing in God?

To dispel any confusion about what discipleship is and how it can impact your life, we’ve created a brief yet powerful eBook that takes a look at this topic, giving several examples and plenty of scriptural support.

In Discipleship 101, you will find answers to the following questions and more:

  • What exactly is discipleship?
  • What does discipleship look like in everyday life?
  • What’s a good approach for inviting someone to follow Jesus with you?
  • What does it look like to pray with someone?
  • How do you study the Bible with someone?

Table of Contents

  • Introduction — 4
  • What is Discipleship? — 5
  • Inviting Someone To Follow Jesus With You — 7
  • Praying With Someone — 9
  • Studying the Bible Together — 11
  • Conclusion — 13
  • Additional Resources — 14

Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash

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